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Spring - Many to Many (Chocolates)

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the many-to-many relationship
  • Be able to annotate models to set up a database schema describing a many-to-many relationship
  • Be able to configure Spring to handle the join table in a many-to-many relationship
  • Be able to manually configure a join table in a many-to-many relationship
  • Appreciate when to let Hibernate handle the join table and when to create one manually


In the process of saving objects to our databse, we want to ensure that any relationships they might have to other objects are preserved. We have recently seen how we can do this to maintain a one-to-many relationship in our database by using Jpa Repository annotations correctly.

Using the example of the Single Origin Chocolate lab we did yesterday, we could potentially query our database to discover the following: - Given a specific estate, which chocolates contain that estate's cocoa? - Given a specific chocolate, where does its cocoa originate from?

In reality, it is more likely that a chocolate will contain cocoa from many different estates. We are going to use the end code from yesterday's lab to model a many-to-many relationship.

hand out this lesson's start code (which is based on the solution to the Single Origin Chocolate lab). Could be helpful to run the code & view in browser / look at the API in Postman / examine tables in Postico.

Chocolates & Estates: Tables

Let's re-examine the objects we have and the relationships between them.

Currently, the tables in our chocolate_db database look like the following:


id cocoa_percentage name estate_id
1 70 Salted Dark 1
2 40 Supermilk Hazelnut 1
3 72 Ecuador Dark 2


id country name
1 St Lucia Rabot Estate
2 Ecaudor Hacienda Zolita
3 Ghana Kuapa Kokoo

This is a one-to-many relationship: - One estate has many chocolates - Many chocolates have one estate

We are now going to introduce a new type of relationship to our database. It is more likely that, as we add a wider variety of chocolate to our database, we will see a more complicated relationship between an estate and the chocolate produced from its cocoa. Most chocolate is manufactured from cocoa originating from a number of estates, making the relationship many to many:

  • many chocolates have many estates
  • many estates have many chocolates

This means that a foreign key representing an estate in chocolates is no longer sufficient, so how should we link the two tables together?

Our first step should be to remove the estate_id property from the chocolates table. To illustrate our point we can also add a couple of extra chocolates that will take cocoa from several estates.


id cocoa_percentage name
1 70 Salted Dark
2 40 Supermilk Hazelnut
3 72 Ecuador Dark
4 55 Toffee Truffle
5 55 Praline Crunch

But now the relationship between chocolates and estates seems to be lost! How can this be preserved? The answer is a join table, which will link chocolates and estates via foreign keys. We will call this table chocolates_estates and it could look like this:


chocolate_id estate_id
1 1 (Salted Dark, Rabot Estate)
2 1 (Supermilk Hazelnut, Rabot Estate)
3 2 (Ecuador Dark, Hacienda Zolita)
4 3 (Toffee Truffle, Kuapa Kokoo)
4 2 (Toffee Truffle, Hacienda Zolita)
5 1 (Praline Crunch, Rabot Estate)
5 3 (Praline Crunch, Kuapa Kokoo)

As you can see from this sample data, it is possible to see how a chocolate can have many estates (in this example Toffee Truffle has two cocoa from two estates: Kuapa Kokoo and Hacienda Zolita) and an estate can have many chocolates (Rabot Estate produces cocoa for Salted Dark, Supermilk Hazelnut and Praline Crunch).

Chocolate & Estate: The Class Diagram

We can now take another look at our class diagram. Now that we are keeping track of multiple chocolates from multiple estates, we need to alter a property in the Chocolate model: the estate property should now be a list of Estates.


In summary:

A Chocolate could have many estates: - Chocolate should contain a list of Estates - Chocolate should have something that sets up chocolate_id in the chocolates_estates join table

An Estate could have many chocolates: - Estate should contain a list of Chocolates - Estate should have something that sets up the estate_id in the chocolates_estates table

Now we understand the relationship we are trying create, we can start to code.

Adding and Annotating the estates property in Chocolate

Now we have agreed that many chocolates can have many estates, the estate property in Chocolate can no longer be sufficient for our needs. We need to change this property to an arraylist of Estates. This new estates property will now need to be marked with a @ManyToMany annotation, as will our current list of chocolates in the Estate class.

Finally, we have to configure how to model the relationship in the RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). Typically, the 'owner' side is where we explicitly configure the relationship. But which is the 'owner' side? It might be easier to think about this using a different example.

A short side-tangent: students and courses

Sometimes, the 'owner' class is clear. Suppose we have a database with a table of students and a table of courses. Between these tables could exist a many-to-many relationship, where a connection could be made via a likes join table (where every entry in the table indicates that a student has 'liked' that course).


id name
1 Iain
2 Ed


id course_name
1 Java
2 Python


student_id course_id
1 2 (Iain liked Python)
2 2 (Ed liked Python)
1 1 (Iain liked Java)

In this senario, Student can be considered the 'owner' class as a student will be responsible for 'liking' a course. The Course class would be considered the target class.

Back to estates and chocolates

Returning to chocolates and estates, we can see that there is not such a clear dynamic between our classes/tables. However, it might be possible to argue that chocolate manufacturers are responsible for choosing which estate to take cocoa from, so in this example, we will configure the relationship in Chocolate and consider that class the 'owner'.

The annotation for this is @ManyToMany and is typically used to annotate the properties of a class (or sometimes the property's getters) that define the relationship. Usually this is a property of the type Collection, List or ArrayList.

remember to replace your getters and setters for estate with ones for an estates property.

// models/

@Table(name = "chocolates")
public class Chocolate{

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    // ...

    @ManytoMany     // ADDED
    private List<Estate> estates;       // MODIFIED

    // ...

    public List<Estate> getEstates() {  // MODIFIED
        return estates;

    public void setEstates(List<Estate> estates) {  // MODIFIED
        this.estates = estates;

To determine how to model the relationship in the database, we can use the @JoinTable annotation in the Chocolate class. This second annotation is used to set up the join table (chocolates_estates).

Next, we must also tell JPA which columns we want in the join table and a @JoinColumn needs to be passed to @JoinTable via the joinColumns argument. We should consider the class we are working in (Chocolate) when we are naming our columns (i.e. we should name the first column in the join table chocolate_id).

Our annotations for the estates property will now look like this:

// models/

@Table(name = "chocolates")
public class Chocolate{

    // ...

    @JoinTable(     // ADDED
        name = "chocolates_estates",
        joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "chocolate_id")
    private List<Estate> estates;       

    // ...

Finally, we must also map the inverse relationship with the inverseJoinColumns argument. From the point of view of the Chocolate class, this is estate_id.

// models/

@Table(name = "chocolates")
public class Chocolate{

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    // ...

        name = "chocolates_estates",
        joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "chocolate_id"),
        inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "estate_id") // ADDED
    private List<Estate> estates;       



It is worth remembering that although this all looks complicated, all this is doing for us is making a table in the database called chocolates_estates with the columns chocolate_id and estate_id. The benefit from a developer's point of view, is that the underlying SQL statements are entirely handled for us.

(Bear in mind that a many-to-many relationship doesn't have an 'owner' side in the database and so technically it can be configured from either class.)

Now we have a model for the RDBMS to follow, we should also use the @JsonIgnoreProperties annotation to prevent our API spiraling ever deeper into the object, so as to make the data unreadable.

The property we wish to ignore is chocolates (i.e. the property inside the Estate objects that make up part of our Chocolate object. In other words, bring us back a Chocolate object, it's list of associated Estates, and that's it).

// models/

@Table(name = "chocolates")
public class Chocolate{

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    // ...

    @JsonIgnoreProperties({"chocolates"})   // ADDED
        name = "chocolates_estates",
        joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "chocolate_id"),
        inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "estate_id") 
    private List<Estate> estates;       



Adding Estates to a Chocolate

While we are here in the Chocolate class, we should also create a method to add estates to our chocolate. Now that every chocolate could have an arraylist of estates (instead of a single estate), it will no longer work for an estate to be passed into a chocolate object as it is created.

// models/

@Table(name = "chocolates")
public class Chocolate{

    // ...

    public void addEstate(Estate estate){   // ADDED


Annotating the Estate class

In the Estate class, the chocolates property will also need a @ManytoMany annotation, along with a mappedBy attribute. chocolates in Estate are our 'target' side of the relationship, so we only need to provide the name of the name of the field which maps the relationship (). The relationship has already been defined in Chocolate, so we have no need to do so here in Estate as well.

It will also be helpful to have a @JsonIgnoreProperties annotation on the chocolates property.

// models/

public class Estate{

    @JsonIgnoreProperties({"estates"})  // ADDED
    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "estates")   // ADDED
    private List<Chocolate> chocolates;

    // ..
And that's it! Our RDMS (in our case, JPA + Hibernate) now knows how to configure our new many-to-many relationship.

Modifying our DataLoader

As a last step, we should head to our DataLoader to change how we create our objects (as a Chocolate will now expect a list of Estates).

Set up your existing chocolates to take this format:

// components/

Chocolate saltedDark = new Chocolate("Salted Dark", 70);

TASK: Update the rest and add a couple of extra chocolates that take multiple estates:

  • Toffee Truffle takes cocoa from Kuapa Kokoo and Hacienda Zolita
  • Praline Crunch takes cocoa from Rabot Estate and Kuapa Kokoo

Check our database

Let's run our application and have a look in Postico to see what our code has made for us.

In Postico, connect to localhost and select the chocolate_db database. We should now see three tables instead of two: chocolates, estates, and chocolates_estates. We can also use Postman/our browswer to see how our data is structured. We should see that some chocolates have multiple estates and that estates have several chocolates.

CRUD with many-to-many

Ensuring that your API has CRUD functionality with many-to-many can be tricky. READ and SHOW should still work (test them!) as will CREATE (to some extent). However, we will need to think about UPDATE and DELETE in the context of a many-to-many, as well as more considered approach to CREATE.

Let's check our CREATE routes works. Use Postman to create a chocolate and estate. Try adding

// localhost:8080/chocolates (POST)
    "name": "Salted Caramel",
    "cocoaPercentage": 50
// localhost:8080/estates (POST)
    "name" : "Green Cocoa Co",
    "country" : "Ghana"


Although CREATE appears to be working, it can be helpful to think about how our API will work in conjuction with a form in our frontend. We haven't covered frontend applications on the course yet, but we can still imagine a user inputting data into a form to create a object we need to persist to a database.

We should remember that now Chocolates and Estates are in a many-to-many relationship that a user might input one, some or none estates.

Our form would contain the expected fields of Name of chocolate, Cocoa percentage, but also a series of check boxes so that a user can choose to include any number of estates (or none). Typically, these checkboxes would contain the value of the id of the estate it represents.

may be helpful to draw a form for students. You may wish to use the example here

Once our form is submitted, what data can our API expect to receive as part of this post request? We could expect something like this:

        "name" : "Praline Truffle",
        "cocoaPercentage" : "70",
        "estateIds" : [1, 3]

You'll notice our CREATE route currently expects a Chocolate. The object above is not strictly speaking a Chocolate - it has all the data we need to make a chocolate, but the estateIds are going to present a problem we need to deal with.

It would make sense at this point to have a DTO (Data Transfer Object) that our API recognises as an object and knows how to deal with. This object is not like our POJO classes as it will not be saved to the database. It is simply an object we will use to move data around our application.

Let's create a DTO model, based on a Chocolate: New > Java Class > ChocolateDTO.

// models/

public class ChocolateDTO {

    private String name;
    private int cocoaPercentage;
    private List<Long> estateIds;

    public ChocolateDTO(String name, double cocoaPercentage, List estateIds){ = name;
        this.cocoaPercentage = cocoaPercentage;
        this.estateIds = estateIds;

    public ChocolateDTO(){

Let us now look at our CREATE route and amend the code to expect a ChocolateDTO rather than a Chocolate.
// controllers/

// ...
public ResponseEntity<List<Chocolate>> postChocolate(@RequestBody ChocolateDTO chocolateDTO){   // MODIFIED
    chocolateService.saveChocolate(chocolateDTO);   // MODIFIED
    return new ResponseEntity<>(chocolateService.findAllChocolates(). HttpStatus.CREATED);

It's not enough to tell our application to expect this new object (our ChocolateDTO), we will need to tell it explicitly what to do with it in the ChocolateService, where our saveChocolate() method will require a few more steps.

  • We will need a new Chocolate object, formed using the data from our chocolateDTO.
  • We will also need to find the required estate objects from our database to add to the new chocolate. Note that findById returns an Optional so we will need to call get() to extract our Estate object.
  • Since we are accessing the EstateRepository for this, we will need to autowire one in.
  • We can subsequently call our addEstate method on our new chocolate object to add these found estates to our object.
// services/

@Autowired  // ADDED
EstateRepository estateRepository;  // ADDED

// ...

public void saveChocolate(ChocolateDTO, chocolateDTO){ // MODIFIED
    Chocolate chocolate = new Chocolate(chocolateDTO.getName(),  chocolateDTO.getCocoaPercentage()); // ADDED
    for (Long estateId : chocolateDTO.getEstateIds() ){ //ADDED
        Optional<Estate> estate = estateRepository.findById(estateId).get();

Test this route using Postman. It is worthwhile checking that the route works for one, some and none estates.

// Sample
// POST localhost:8080/chocolates
    "name": "Bounty",
    "cocoaPercentage": 30,
    "estateIds" : [3, 1]

You will also be able to see that the link is made via Chocolate and Estate (check GET localhost:8080/estates to see your new chocolates linked to that/those estate(s)).


Now we can create a Chocolate and/or an Estate, we can consider that we may or may not know what estates to add to chocolates (and vice versa). This information might not be available when the object is created or might change over time.

We should have an edit route that allows a user to make these changes. Once again, we can use our chocolateDTO to help handle these changes.

First we should create an UPDATE route that expects a ChocolateDTO.

// controllers/

// ...

@PutMapping(value = "/{id}")    // ADDED
public ResponseEntity<Chocolate> updateChocolate(@RequestBody ChocolateDTO chocolateDTO, @PathVariable Long id){
    chocolateService.updateChocolate(chocolateDTO, id);
    return new ResponseEntity<>(chocolate, HttpStatus.OK);

We have referred to a method in chocolateService we, as yet, do not have: updateChocolate(). Let's make this in ChocolateService. updateChocolate() will take the data in our DTO and use it to change properties and persist these changes to the database.

// services/

// ...

public Chocolate updateChocolate(ChocolateDTO chocolateDTO, Long id){ // ADDED
    Chocolate chocolateToUpdate = chocolateRepository.findById(id).get();
    // remove all existing estates
    chocolateToUpdate.setEstates(new Arraylist<Estate>());
    // find and add estates
    for (Long estateId : chocolateDTO.getEstateIds()){
            Estate estate = estateRepository.findById(estateId).get();
    return chocolateToUpdate;
Test your route in Postman!

(Optional) TASK

A corresponding route should also be written for an Estate. Write an UPDATE route in EstateController which calls an updateEstate method in EstateService to handle any changes.

DELETE (Chocolate)

Again, with many-to-many, our DELETE route needs to consider the relationships between our tables. First, we should create a DELETE route in our ChocolateController, with a view to having a method in our chocolateService to handle the process.

// controllers/

@DeleteMapping(value = "/{id}")
public ResponseEntity<Long> deleteChocolate(@PathVariable Long id){
    return new ResponseEntity<>(id, HttpStatus.OK);
Handling the delete of a chocolate is straightforward enough:
// services/

public void deleteChocolate(Long id){

As always, test your route in Postman!

DELETE (Estate)

But what happens if you try to delete an Estate? This is not so straightforward as we have a relationship between the tables chocolates and estates. We can delete a Chocolate straightfowardly as it is the 'owning' class, but this is not the case for Estate.

To delete an estate we have to loop through the chocolates that estate supplies cocoa for and remove the estate from that chocolate.

We can begin with a DELETE route in our EstatesController. This route will call a yet-to-be-written method removeEstatesFromChocolates.

// controllers/

// ...

@DeleteMapping(value = "/{id}")
public ResponseEntity<Long> deleteEstate(@PathVariable Long id){
    return new ResponseEntity<>(id, HttpStatus.OK);
// services/

// ...

public void removeEstatesFromChocolates(Long id){
    Estate foundEstate = estateRepository.getById(id);
    for (Chocolate chocolate : foundEstate.getChocolates()) {

Explicitly including a third table

There are, in fact, a couple of ways the join table can be handled. What we choose to do depends on how our data is structured.

In our example above, we have allowed Hibernate to create our join table. We do not need to do anything other than properly annotate the relevant POJO classes. This is fine, if all we want to have in our join table are a couple of foreign keys. Sometimes, however, this is not the case, and we may want to store additional data in the join table.

Let's suppose we want our chocolates_estates table to contain something beyond just an estate_id and a chocolate_id. It could be useful for us to have a CocoaOrder class, which matches a chocolate to and estate, but also has some extra information such as batchNumber and pricePaid.

We could no longer ask Hibernate to create the join table for us as it contains more than just a couple of ids. We will need to create a separate class that deals with all the required properties explicitly. A good way to manage this many-to-many relationship is to break down it down into two one-to-manys.


Class Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

We can say that: - one Chocolate has many CocoaOrders - many CocoaOrders have one Chocolate - one Estate has many CocoaOrders - many CocoaOrders have one Estate

Please see choc_many_to_many_third_table project for a code example. Note that a DTO has been created for CocoaOrder in order to handle some requests more easily (typically POST). This means that we can simply send an id to identify an object, rather than the complete object itself.

Tip: you may want to run the server and see it working in Postman and Postico.